Salesforce Security – Field Level Security

Field Level Security settings in Salesforce give permissions at object level to administrators restrict user's admission to view and edit some certain fields. The fields that users meet on detail and edit pages are a combination of page layouts and field level security settings.

Instance :- Allow us consider a scenario.

There are two users in my developer organisation. User1 and User2.

User1 User2
User1  – Prasanth User2 –  Adarsh
Contour –  System Administrator Profile – Custom – Sales Profile.
Object – Invoices Object – Invoices
Page Layout –  Invoice Layout folio Layout – Invoice Layout

Requirement :- We take to create a new field(Invoice Reg#) in Invoice Object. And it should be available but for organization administrators and not for other profiles.

How to implement  Field Level Security in Salesforce?

When we create a new field and add together to the page layout and the page layout is accessed past the both profiles and so information technology is not the solution. Here we use the concept Field Level Security in Salesforce.

Create a Field in Invoice.

  • Let u.s.a. create a field name called Invoice RegNo in Invoice Object
Field Level Security
  • Ente field label and Click on Next push .

Step3:- Establishing field level security.

Field Level Security in Salesforce

At present we are going to establish field level security in Salesforce. Every bit we take a scenario that the field Invoice RegNo must be visible to organisation administrator just and not available to Custom Sales profile . Uncheck cheque box to custom salesforce profile and click on next button.

Salesforce Security - Field Level Security1
  • Click on Save push.

Now go to Invoice Object and create a tape.

Salesforce Security - Field Level Security1

Field Configuration – View Field accessibility.

  • To check the field configurations go to field.
Field Level Security FLS

Click on Invoice RegNo as shown above.

Field Level Security FLS
  • At present click on View field accessibility push equally shown above.
Field Level Security FLS

We can see the information for which this profile this field is editable and Subconscious.

  • Click on Hidden every bit shown above.
FLS field level security

As the field is fix to visible in page layout and not in Field level Security then the field is hidden for custom Sales Contour. This Invoice RegNo is available for organization administrator contour.Now login as User2 and create a new record in Invoice Object. We can see RegNo field in User2 this is because of Salesforce  Field Level Security.

Interview Question on Field Level Security.

  • What are the different options available in Field Level Security FLS?

In Field Level Security (FLS) we have to options they are Visible and Read Only.

  • What are features that we tin can control using Page Layouts?

In page layouts for any field we can control ii feature they are Read-Only and Required.

  • Suppose if a field is set to visible in FLS and not visible in page layout settings so what volition happen?

In this scenario, the field is not visible because of field level security.


In this Salesforce tutorial we have learned virtually FLS field level security and how to make a field visible and Read But using field level security in Salesforce. In our next Salesforce Tutorial we are going to larn well-nigh Permission Sets in Salesforce.